This is (yet another) project that I have wanted to do for a long time. I'm so productive these days. 💁‍♀️ 
After reading a few rather excellent books* about womanhood, I wanted to show the incredible, hypnotic beauty and variety of vulvas. To quote Emily Nagoski, 'all the same parts, rearranged in different ways' but all beautiful. 
Having predominantly hetero sexual relationships, this project has also paralleled my own journey and discovery into my sexuality. It's a very personal project and one that will constantly be added to and evolve. I'm hoping to play with different mediums - digital, painting, drawing. 

Vulva No.1

Vulva No.2

Vulva No.3

*The incredible books I was telling you about...
womanhood: the bare reality, Laura Dodsworth
Come as you are, Emily Nagoski
How to have feminist sex, Flo Perry
This is the vulva, Jo Corrall
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